Jumat, 28 Oktober 2016

What sort of Little Little Often Could Be Useful to you

A little bit often has heaps to recommend it. As you were an institution kid your teacher probably followed that practice, and kid's programs such as Sesame Street still use that approach. The viewpoint associated after some amount often is not only for children, but also for us oldies to stay to as we time and grow older. Without doubt you will be able to add to this list, but here are a few examples to help get you started out.


Exercise. There's plenty of research supporting the idea that a little little bit often of standard exercise can help to add years to your life and life to your years. For almost all of us, fitness is achieved by doing a little little bit at any given time.

Food. Caloric decrease is acknowledged as a longevity-increaser, so eating a little bit often (grazing) is considered to be much better for you than eating big foods several times a day. And, when coming up with your selection, remember the acronym M. i. e. T - Do I Eat That?

Fun. Fun is one of the 7Fs which will help to add years to your daily life and life to your years. Fun needn't die with age: we all needs some fun in our lives, and a little bit often brings about living longer, better. Make sure that what you eat includes good helpings of fun.

Laughing out loud. Even though we all know really good for us, almost all of us don't laugh enough. Ideally, a little piece often is a goal worth pursuing. Continue, HA!

Friendship. Catching-up with friends is one of life's joys, and slightly often is much better than moving into another's pockets or overstaying your welcome.

Busy-ness. Everyday activities has taught all of us that the little bit often beats spurts of busy-ness followed by zip. Have got you ever tried keeping busy by doing nothing at all?

Acts of Kindness. A little bit often ensures that you spread your good will around, and the practice is getting. Imagine a world in which everyone cared for each and every other? Who knows, functions of kindness might even become random.

Sex. Probably a little bit often might be good for you?
It's over to you to add to this list. Remember, the one time that the little bit often is a particular no-no is when craving enters the mix. Once a tiny bit often become somewhat too much, it's time to quit.

Senin, 12 September 2016

Perjalanan Membuat Web Bule Adsense

Bagaimana ya awal menulisnya..hmm.

Jujur saya terinspirasi menulis dari sini => sdsafadg.com

Begini saya sudah lama mengenal cara menghasilkan uang dari sebuah blog, dulu pertama coba dari affialiate amazon, lalu google adsense yang di banned. hehehehe.

Nah baru kali ini saya mau serius coba membuat website authority bule...

Gatau deh projek ini bisa berhasil atau kembali gagal. Tapi tetep Bismillah serius berusaha dengan Doa dan segala usaha yang bisa dilakukan.

Pertama-tama step yang saya lakukan seperti ini :

  • Beli domain Aged, saya gunakan jasa orang lain untuk beli Domain ini. (Yang pasti saya tentukan dulu niche aged Domain tersebut)
  • Setelah dapat Domain Aged, baru deh saya beli hosting, langsung pake VPS di Vultr, sama jasa ini juga saya pake vendor (bahasa kerennya)
  • Ketika saya research keyword tools yang saya gunakan semrush sama ahrefs ( Semrush untuk scrape keyword kompetitor ahrefs ya untuk analisa manual persaingan di 10 besar google)
  • Lalu setelah mendapatkan keyword pencarian lumayan dan kompetisi yang di rasa-rasa bisa diatasi baru dah ane pesankan keyword-keyword tersebut ke pembuat artikel bule di BHW (blackhatworld.com)
Kayanya segitu dulu untuk tulisan pertama ini. Semoga catatan ini bisa terus berlanjut sampai saya benar-benar mendapatkan Earning.